Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wanna Take The Catholic Quiz?

With the arrival of Pope Benedict the XVI this week, we set our gaze on the nearly 75 million Catholics in the United States. Take the following 10 question quiz to learn more about your Catholic neighbors.

1. The current pope’s birth name is:
A. Cliff Claven
B. John Ratzenberger
C. Joseph Ratzinger

2. The Catholic church is headquartered in:
A. Ocean City
B. Atlantic City
C. Vatican City

3. Catholics believe:
A. The same thing as Protestant Christians about the Trinity, the deity of Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross for man’s sins, rose again and ascended to heaven
B. They are sinners but think their sins are only venial or minor and that they can take care of venial sins themselves through good works and purgatory—a temporary place after death
C. Both A and B

4. Catholics believe Mary:
A. Didn’t like Mary Magdalene
B. Wouldn’t have watched the Da Vinci Code
C. Was perfect and a co-mediator of God’s grace

5. Catholics say priests:
A. Can get married
B. Play major league baseball
C. Can forgive sins

6. Catholics believe the only true church is:
A. Oprah’s
B. The Roman Catholic Church
C. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

7. The Council of Trent [1545 -1563] said:
A. We are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone
B. We are saved by a combination of what Christ has done for us and what we accomplish over our lifetime
C. Only Oprah will be saved

8. Who does the pope not consider a saint?
A. Mother Teresa
B. Francis of Assisi
C. Mel Gibson

9. Chapter 9 of the Council of Trent’s Decree on Justification concludes with which sentence?

A. “No one can know with certainty that he has obtained the grace of God.”
B. “He who has the Son has life. I write these things so you may know you have eternal life.”
C. “Whew, that only took 18 years!!!”

10. When the pope leaves Hanger 19 at JFK Airport in NY on APR 20, he'll fly:
A. Southwest
B. On the popemobile with wings
C. In a regular commercial aircraft reserved for him [from the Italian airline Alitalia] dubbed Shepherd One when he's on board by air traffic control

How many did you get right?
Here are the answers:
1-5C; 6-7B; 8C; 9A; 10C


marty said...

100% Do I win a pope prize? Maybe a trip to the Vatican? Oh wait I have been there already if Pastor Mike.

StarlitEve said...

I have to disagree with one of the questions on principle! The Catholics believe that God forgives the sins, not the priest.

"The distinction is that God does the forgiving, the priest has simply been commissioned to carry this out. (2 Cor 5:18) The apostle is sent out "on behalf of Christ" with "God making appeal" through him and pleading "Be reconciled to God" (2 Cor 5:20)"

(from catholicbridge.com and my PSR classes)

Anonymous said...

In response to starliteve: It may be so that the belief (of the RC church) is that God does the forgiving, however, in the confessional, the words "I absolve you of your sins" are spoken by the priest.
We all are given not only the power, but are required to forgive each other (usually sin is involved). The life-changing, soul-healing act of forgiveness should be practiced by all of us. And God will forgive us, as we forgive others. No other mediator (Jesus did it all) is required!