Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Spiritual Advance?

Some stores celebrate Christmas in July; this year we’re going to celebrate Easter in December. The winter season is ripe with imagery of death and rebirth—the journey from Friday’s crucifixion toward Sunday’s resurrection. And YOU are invited to experience this spiritual advance with me!!! [Editorial note: a "spiritual advance" is similar to a spiritual retreat, but I like this term better cause it implies going forward not backward with God!!!]

For guests there is no leading, just absorbing and eating and learning and enjoying!!! Meaningful hands-on children's programming will be available simultaneously by students from Andrews University so the entire family can be empowered to reach out in service that is loving, passionate, and eternal [click pic to register online or click here to download the brochure].

The cost for this advance is free, but we are looking for fifty people to donate $20 to help defray food and center rental costs. Please RSVP by December 1 to Dee Caulder at the Toledo First Adventist Church office: 419-882-6200 or email her at If you would like more information or if you are able to make a donation, please contact Pastor Rachel Davies at 419-320-3516. You do NOT need to be a member of Toledo First to participate.

1 comment:

Life is Good said...

Thank you Pastors Rachel and Mike and wonderful helpers...

...for stepping out and helping us experience the agony and joy of Jesus's death and resurrection like we've never experienced before. Confronting death one day, and celebrating life the next, was impactful.

However, I must say that you also stretched us out of our comfort zones... in other ways, like walking and observing for purpose, and solo reflection time in soltitude...and for that, we say "tttttttthank you"!

But the beautiful resurrection FEAST you prepared and assembled for us was absolutely prodigal! Does not get better than that! Truly helped us anticipate the one Christ has promised for us.

Truly a well conceived Biblical and life journey that enabled us to move forward by moving backward.

Amen! Amen! Amen!