Monday, January 19, 2009

Where Your Heart Is?

If it's true where your treasure is, your heart will be also [Matthew 6:19-21], shouldn't the reverse should also be true? Where your heart is, there your treasure will be also. But what's your treasure? In the past, I've been taught that my "treasure" is money and the "storehouse" of Malachi 3:10 is the organized church's headquarters. But to be honest, I don't think that's what the prophet Malachi had in mind when he wrote what he did 2500 years before the Adventist Church existed!

So in the coming weeks at TF, we'll be talking about what else Malachi meant. And how badly Jesus wants to be Lord of all our time, talents, and treasure. With the economy tanking and anticipated giving trends changing, we all need to be proactive and take more ownership and responsibility for the ministry and outreach opportunities Toledo First provides. Not from a spirit of fear, but of faith [2 Timothy 1:7]. So what can you do?
  • Pick up the invitation cards at the back of church and share them with your friends and family
  • Plan to attend/read/watch the entire series January 24 - February 21, 2009
  • Pray for me as I prepare to share!
  • Email me [] your helpful YouTube vids, illustrations, cartoons, or anecdotes about any kind of giving
  • Tell me your story. How has God blessed you when you sincerely give and live for Him?

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