Thursday, July 05, 2007

Top Ten Commandments For S.O.S Picnics?

Here for your serving enjoyment are my Top Ten Commandments for our Summer of Service Picnics:
1. Thou shalt bring plenty of food [we’ll provide the utensils, plates, lemonade, and bottled water]

2. Thou shalt not mock the labeled veggie dogs

3. Thou shalt not be shocked to see “holy cow” hot dogs

4. Thou shalt remember to bring a hat and wear sun screen [or at least remind me to wear mine!!!]

5. Thou shalt sign up in the church lobby to volunteer at the Lemonade Stand; the Grill; or the Helium Tank

6. Thou shalt smile and laugh and delight in the Sabbath activities

7. Thou shalt stuff your pockets with dog biscuits and invitations to VBS and our SEPT 3rd Car Show to give away from 4-5 on our Holy Hike [complimenting the dogs we see NOT its owner because nobody turns down compliments and gifts for their pets]

8. Thou shalt not be half naked [but thou shalt not wear church clothes either even if you just came from church!!! PLEASE change your clothes BEFORE you arrive or you will be given a baggy Church Has Left the Building T-shirt to cover up whatever church thing you’re still wearing]

9. Thou shalt stay for worship @ 5:00 pm [a crowd draws a crowd]

10. Thou shalt remember we’re doing all this to SHOW people that GOD loves them like crazy!!!

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