Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Can We Recapture the Wonder of the Cross?

You could use this vid in church to introduce people to the wonder of the cross [that's what I'm doing!!!]. I love the words to the song, but I really enjoy the subtle story the vid tells as well. Click the triangular play button below to see what I mean. And when you're done, take a listen to my new Easter play list to the right. I'm especially intrigued by the words to the new Pearl Jam song entitled "Just Breathe." What do you think of either vid or song? Do they help you recapture the wonder of the cross?

1 comment:

Linda G said...

The video is great! i hate that we would need to recapture the wonder of the cross---it should never leave us but i have to admit in the hustle bustle of life--we lose (i lose) focus. This video is short enough to keep attention and just long enough to get the point across--very well!!! i love it! Thanks. As for the song, i'd need to listen to it again. but the first time hearing it brings to mind the way we are living daily....hmmmmmm...