Friday, January 12, 2007

Big Things Done With Great Love Still Change the World

#1 -- The Gas Buy Down

Since the average busy gas station goes through an 18 wheel tanker of gas a day [4,000 gallons], we'd need to purchase 1/3 of their daily amount of gas ahead of time paying down the price on the pump 5
0 cents a gallon until our money or allotted time ran out telling people that "Jesus Fills Their Tank." [1,320 gallons x $2.33 x 12 months = $36,907.20]

#2 -- The Extreme Home Repair

We'd put an ad in the paper and choose one needy family a year to re-do their house taking vacation time and all the tools necessary to give their home a complete extreme makeover. To see more about this, visit the link on the right for the Aldergrove SDA Church or their outreach division Acts of Kindness.

#3 -- Telling the Truth About God in the 21st Century

Three weekends. Friday and Saturday nights only. No music. No theme song [or maybe just one...] Just a warm welcome. With snacks on the table. Free child care. And two sermons a night telling the truth about God.


Anonymous said...

Great ideas Mike. I'm ready to try them all. ... and more.

Anonymous said...

Monthly on the gas thing may give Gerry more grey hair but boy wouldn't the community get to know us! Women's Ministry has been talking about a house make over for a couple years now so you would have buyin from them for that. I'm somewhat protective of our Connections Worship service every week at 5 pm but I would love to work idea 3 into the Connections format - it's very close already. So I guess I am for all three ideas! Ron sha-how-ski

Mike Fortune said...

You said: "Great ideas Mike. I'm ready to try them all. ... and more."

Thanks Carla! Now we just have to raise some denairii!!!

Mike Fortune said...

You said: "I'm somewhat protective of our Connections Worship service every week at 5 pm but I would love to work idea 3 into the Connections format - it's very close already. So I guess I am for all three ideas!" Ron sha-how-ski

Thanks Ron! We'll work it out...singing "Kum ba yah" with a tear in me eye...aye aye cap't!"