Sunday, November 27, 2011

Unto This Child As Well?

Did you know that according to the United Nations, 25 million people are being trafficked today? It is the 2nd most profitable activity in the world for organized crime. The FBI says 15k people are trafficked into the USA every year. Nearly 2k of our own Ohio youth are enslaved by sex traffickers last year making Toledo, Ohio number one per capita and number four nationwide for sex trafficking!!!

To combat this evil, we're going to have guest speakers adding to my Advent remarks each week. Rep.Teresa Fedor will be here next from Columbus. She's a politician using her voice and influence to stop trafficking. Sister Sandy from S.T.O.P. will be next followed by Jeff Wilbarger from The Daughter Project (click here for more info) the third week. Though we are still behind in our 2011 local church budget needs, we will unashamedly be collecting an additional offering each week to help this organization help more children. Their goal is to build and operate a recovery home for adolescent girls who have been rescued by law enforcement agents.

100% of monies payable to Toledo First marked The Daughter Project on the memo line will be donated (click here for mailing address). Thanks for considering spending AS MUCH on these kids this Christmas as you do on your own kids or grandkids. Below is thought provoking music video. Selah!!!

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