Sunday, November 27, 2011

In Her Shoes?

Isaiah 9:6 says, "Unto us a child is born..." And because Jesus came and lived and died, that makes every child precious. Especially the millions of women and girls being trafficked as slaves in the sex industry around the world. That's why every week in December, at Toledo First Church we're collecting a second offering to benefit The Daughter Project (click here for more info) which is a local non-profit organization dedicated to helping girls recover from the trauma of human sex trafficking and preventing the trafficking of girls in Toledo. They believe God is outraged not only by those who enslave others but also by those who are able but unwilling to help the victims. Will you join us in helping them? What would happen if we gave these children as much for Christmas as we are spending on our our own? Watch this sobering video below if you're not sure yet.

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