Friday, September 21, 2012

Free to Laugh?

The Daughter Project is a non-profit organization in Ohio which builds recovery homes - trafficking shelters for girls who have been rescued from sex traffickers. They are committed to the long-term holistic care of raped, beaten and drug addicted victims of human trafficking. Toledo is still #1 per capita in the United States and #4 overall. And that is no laughing matter.

So this year, Haven of Hope Toledo and Toledo First SDA Church is inviting you to join us on the campus of the University of Toledo in Nitschke Hall on OCT 20 @ 5pm and 8pm for a comedy fundraiser called Free to Laugh. Christian comics sharing family friendly content will provide a delightful evening of entertainment with 100% of the $20/ticket costs going directly to TDP.

We have the potential of telling 2,000 people about trafficking/TDP and raising $40,000 to help combat this heinous crime. However, we need to sellout 2,000 tickets to accomplish this. Would you please consider the following ways to help?
  • Buy your ticket today for the event in the church office, online or at a Lifeway or Family Christian bookstore
  • Encourage everyone you know to buy a ticket or buy a ticket for them
  • Ask your pastor/church/business to purchase a group of 20 or more tickets and then sell or give them away to people
  •  Consider giving a donation to sponsor this important event.  Any amount will help defray costs and ultimately increase the amount of money we raise for our girls
  • Toledo First SDA Church has purchased 50 tickets from Haven of Hope. Want one? It's yours for free if you volunteer to be a parking lot attendant / greeter / or usher. Contact me for more info: / 419.386.8918. We need at least 20 volunteers

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