Monday, September 26, 2011

Can The Best Pastors Be Women?

Pastor Rebekah Liu is a seminary student pursuing a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies specializing in the Book of Revelation at Andrews University. She was raised in a staunchly communist family and community but was converted at 17, baptized at 18, and at 19 began preaching and doing other pastoral ministry in house churches.

Since becoming Christians, she and her mother and brother have raised up 400 home churches that now has 10k members led by four pastors three of whom are women. She currently pastors the Chinese congregation at Andrews University and will be speaking in Dayton, Ohio on October 22 during Acts 2011 — a convocation of Ohio Adventists celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the book Acts of the Apostles.

I’m looking forward to attending this gathering and I’m hoping with enough notice, some of you will join me and come hear her story with me. She is living proof that women can become the best pastors and prophetic voices in the Adventist Church and our world today just like the prophet Joel predicted (cf. Joel 2:28-29). Go to to register by OCT 14 for the free meal provided or see Pastor Mike for car pooling info.

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