Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In The Key Of Genius?

Derek Paravicini, now in his late twenties, was born premature at 25 weeks and as a result of the oxygen therapy required to save his life, lost his sight. His development was affected too. It later became apparent that he had severe learning difficulties. However, he soon acquired a fascination for music and sound, and, by the age of four, had taught himself to play a large number of melodic and complex pieces on the piano. With no visual models to guide him, his technique was chaotic, and even his elbows would frequently be pressed into service, as he strove to reach intervals beyond the span of his tiny hands until serendipitously he received some training from a gifted piano teacher.

Derek's talent, love of music, and - above all - the ability to communicate through sound means he will continue to thrill audiences for years to come in the UK and abroad. Click the pics to read more about him on his website and in his new book In The Key Of Genius. When I watched the 2 minute clip below, it reminded me of the Beautiful Things lyrics from Gungor. Enjoy both short vids below!!!

Could all that is lost ever be found? / Could a garden come up from this ground? / All around hope is springing up / Out of chaos life is being found / You make beautiful things out of the dust / You make beautiful things out of us

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