Sunday, May 15, 2011

Obsessed With Church?

This vid reminds me of a quote from a book I'm reading right now. "This ecclesiocentric obsession means that primarily we mine both Scripture and culture for our own needs. We're so preoccupied with church questions that neither biblical narratives nor culture can become the places where God addresses us and challenges us to be converted" (Missional: Joining God in the Neighborhood, Baker Books, 2011) p.48. What do you think? Are Christians obsessed with church, money, and members? If we are, what can we do about it? What will you?


  1. great post. wonder if we'll take note or go on with business as usual? i find it very difficult for majority of church leadership (& therefore church body) to take hold of any change and go with it.

  2. Henry Miller8:29 AM

    Powerful!! Unfortunately it doesn't stretch things all that much with the way some churches act - especially as they treat their visitors. Maybe if our leaders took this to heart, our attendance might grow. If nothing else, we will be acting in a more Christ-like manner. Fortunately, there are some churches which do not act like this depiction - such as Toledo First!
