Monday, March 21, 2011

Back to Basics?

Rest on the Sabbath. Heed Old Testament dietary codes. And be ready for Jesus to return at any moment. If these practices sound quaint or antiquated, think again. They're hallmarks of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the fastest-growing Christian denomination in North America. G. Jeffrey MacDonald wrote a great piece on my church denomination in a recent USA Today article. My fave line?

"The church has seen some of its strongest gains come in non-religious regions such as the Pacific Northwest. In Washington, for instance, the denomination has established 'Christian cafes,' where people can relax and ask questions without feeling the pressures of church. "You're not necessarily inviting them to church," Bryant said. "You're just sitting around, talking with people, building relationships — and slowly talking to them about Christ." What a concept!!! Click pic to read the entire article.

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