Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Love At First Sight?

In August 2010, I told you about a book on CD that has had a tremendous impact in our home entitled Preparing for Adolescence by Dr. James Dobson [click here to read that post].What we're still doing is listening to 15 minute segments of this content before Josh goes to sleep [will do the same thing with Lydia soon!!!] pausing when necessary, to laugh, talk, or wonder about what was just said.

While this content contains some of the most helpful ways to discuss Biblical issues of sexuality, CD#5 also contains a very helpful 10 point quiz on true love between a man and woman. So much so that in 2011 I'm discussing each of them during chapels on Fridays with the kids at school. Would you pass this little True / False quiz? Would your kids? If not, maybe you should click the pic and buy your own copy of this content!!! It might save your kids or grandkids a lifetime of therapy and brokenness!!!
  1. Romantic love at first sight occurs between some people.
  2. It's easy to distinguish real love from infatuation.
  3. People who sincerely love each other will not fight and argue.
  4. God selects one particular person for each of us to marry and he will guide us together.
  5. If a man and woman genuinely love each other, then hardships and troubles will have very little effect on their relationship.
  6. It's better to marry the wrong person than to remain single and lonely throughout life.
  7. It's not harmful or sinful to have sexual intercourse before marriage if the couple has a meaningful relationship.
  8. If a couple is genuinely in love, that condition is permanent and will last a lifetime.
  9. Dating for six months or less before marriage is best.
  10. Teenagers are more capable of genuine love than are older people.
PS - Dobson says the answers to all these questions are FALSE including the first because love is patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, rude, self-seeking, easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs [1 Cor.13:1-5] and you can't know whether another person loves like that at first sight.

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