Thursday, January 06, 2011

Abandon God or Abandon Yourself to God?

Larry Crabb, the wise Christian counselor says, "You can abandon God. Or you can abandon yourself to God." On the cross, even Jesus had to make this choice moving from "Why have you forsaken me?" to "Into your hands I commit my Spirit" [I'm grateful to my pastor friend Samir for pointing this out]. So at the beginning of a new year, it should come as no surprise to us that we too have a choice to make. And the good news is all of us can make either of these choices. No matter how long we've been Christian or even if we've never been!!! We can choose to abandon God. Especially when things go bad or we've been hurt or unfairly treated. Or we can choose to abandon ourselves to God. Who we can choose to believe still loves us like crazy even when everyone in this broken world doesn't.

But how do you abandon yourself to God? Well, that's what we're going to be discussing on Wednesday nights during Soup for You starting Wednesday February 2, 2011 @ 6pm. To do so, we'll be using this thought provoking paperback by Lee Vendon called It's All About Him [click pic more info].

The book costs $12.99, but can be yours for $10!!! A limited number of copies are available at church or on Wednesday nights. Why don't you plan on picking up a copy and reading it for yourself or saving one for your son or daughter? Some day they might be eternally glad you did!!!

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