Friday, January 04, 2008

Does Eric Clapton Belong In Heaven?

He says he doesn't. At least that's what the lyrics to his famous song "Tears In Heaven" say that he penned [click here to watch the video] following the tragic death of his son Conor who fell out the window on the 53rd floor of NYC apartment building in 1991. But after watching an interview on Larry King Live that originally aired OCT 12, 2007, I have a feeling that God may beg to differ with Clapton's conclusion. The interview was fascinating and the entire transcript can be read by clicking his pic above. But the exchange that got me thinking was the one that follows:

KING: In the book you write, "Before my recovery began I had found my God in music and the arts." Where do you find your God now? CLAPTON: I find him at the bottom of my bed, usually. In the morning I get down on my knees and pray and at night...KING: You do? CLAPTON: I do, yes. Yes. Yes. I've done that for a long time now. KING: So you believe someone is listening? And you pray for things? CLAPTON: I pray for knowledge, really, of what I'm supposed to be doing on any given day, and for the ability to stay sober.

KING: Are you angry that He or She let Conor go away? CLAPTON: Of course, yes. Of course. Well, I mean, I don't -- I still don't know what the purpose of that was. But that's not necessarily mine to know. I mean, that's my acceptance of it. KING: Hard, though, isn't it? CLAPTON: Very, very hard.

KING: Some people I know who, when they've lost a child, lose their faith. KING: Did you have faith to lose? CLAPTON: Yes. I had faith, but I didn't lose it. And I still have the same faith.

KING: How does a global rock star meet and fall in love with a girl from Columbus, Ohio? CLAPTON: I don't know. I think this is all a thing about's not that I was praying for love or -- but I mean...I finally made a good choice, thank God.

What do you think? Does Eric Clapton belong in heaven? Do you?


  1. Actually, none of us "belong" in heaven. It is only through the Grace of God that we are given the honor to spend eternity with our Creator

  2. I'm looking forward to meeting Eric Clapton in heaven! Free concerts, right?
