Monday, January 21, 2008

Do You Have A Dream?

I have a dream of a church that decides to grow from the ground up. Reaching out primarily to the growing numbers of people far from God not connected to any faith.

I have a dream that one day our parking lot will be full of their children dragging their parents not to the mall on Saturdays, but to our church. They’ll come for fellowship and music and stories and Bible study shared so humbly and personally and passionately that they will prefer hearing and experiencing that than watching cartoons or sleeping in.

I have a dream of a church that really prays. Not just in church on Sabbath. But scattered throughout the week too. Where nothing is too big to ask or too personal to share.

I have a dream of a church going out of its way, both philosophically and practically, to make the Sabbath a day of miracles for people far from God.

I have a dream of a church that lives a healthy message instead of merely talking about it.

I have a dream of a church that loves the people that merely talk about it.

I have a dream of a church that befriends people instead of defending itself.

I have a dream of a church whose baptistry never reeks of methane due to inactivity.

I have a dream of a church that speaks truth in love. And never gossips.

I have a dream where my children get an Adventist education without ever having to leave home for boarding school.

I have a dream where everybody boasts only about Jesus.

I have a dream where everybody in church knows everybody’s else's name.

I have a dream where everybody in the community knows our name too. And would rise up in protest if we ever decided to stop doing what we’re doing.

Do you have a dream?


  1. What great dreams! I hope that all of your dreams will come true. But dreams will stay dreams unless we place a great deal of work and faith behind them. The hard part is trusting and believing that these dreams have been promised all we have to do is claim them and also die to self. Thanks so much for placing Dr. King's speeches on your blog I really enjoyed them all.

  2. Mike, reading about your dream for our church makes my blood pump just like before a 5K race and I get all excited; seeing our church as it could be. It is invigorating to read between the lines and feel your passion.

    As wheat1 reminds us, dying to self is the key, and taking hold of God's promises is paramount. With Him ALL things are possible.

    When I think about what God through his Holy Spirit can and wants to do for us, I feel like a little kid anticipating Christmas presents and always wanting more.
