Thursday, November 15, 2007

What Is Faith House?

My friend Samir gave up his secure salaried pastor position [which includes health care and retirement] at a growing young Adventist congregation called Cross Walk to start Faith House in Manhattan [click graphic for more info]. He wanted to start a new kind of community in which we can deepen our personal and corporate journeys and together participate in repairing the world.

In this endeavor they will honor and learn from teachings, practices, and suffering of people from religions, philosophies, and world views, different from our own. Instead of isolating themselves into like-minded groups or melting together into a single-minded organization, they will learn to live together with their differences and in a way that contributes to the wellbeing, peace, joy, and justice in the world.

What do you think of their logo? Why do you think they called this church a house? Why these religious symbols? Why separate circles? What is the fourth circle about? Why are they horizontally positioned? What about the roof? What about the foundations? Where are the walls? To learn more about Faith House, click the logo above.

To learn more about Samir and his family [yes his wife and children are with him in this!!!] , click the pic. And if you have more than you need and are thankful to God for it, would you consider joining Tony Campolo, Brian McLaren, and others in financially supporting Samir and his family as they chase the dream God gave them? Thanks for thinking about it!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a loving, inspiring and courageous ministry Samir and his family are launching. A true implementation of Galatians 3:28....

    We send Samir and his family our best Way-to-Gos, prayers and God's abundant blessings on their incredible journey in faith.
