Thursday, October 25, 2007

How Much Does Mayo Mean?

On Monday, I joined students from Toledo Junior Academy at Cherry Street Mission in downtown Toledo to serve 200 turkey sandwiches, chips, and drinks to the homeless. About 75 people waited patiently until after "grace." Ladies went first. Followed by the guys. They were all very polite. And grateful. Especially for the mayo and mustard and pickles we brought for their sandwiches.

Apparently, most volunteers mass assemble sandwiches the night before and don't put mayo on them. We made ours that morning. With plenty of condiments on the side. Isn't it amazing how much mayo means? Who knew that a pickle and mustard could most powerfully proclaim the lavish love of God?

After lunch, I met a 19 year old guy who showed me his healing stab wounds. [Suffered elsewhere the previous week, not at Cherry Street Mission]. But he smiled just as wide when explaining that he's almost got his GED. I was about to slap him on the back, but half way there remembered his stab wounds, and settled for a big stretch and a hearty WTG!!! I also met a middle aged woman who stayed long enough to tell me she'd love it if we did a regular chapel service on Saturday nights followed by an untalent show or karaoke. She couldn't stay longer because she had to get in line at 2pm for the women's shelter opening at 4pm. Will our church really leave the building? To be continued...

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