Friday, September 14, 2007

Mission Trip to Toledo 2008?

Recently we submitted a large financial request to a local financial firm to partner with us for our Mission Trip to Toledo 2008 [big thanks and WTG!!! to Stacy for her help and expertise]. Because they cannot directly support a church, we wrote the proposal on behalf of the Aurora House calling it “Haven of Hope.” Click the graphic for a link to find out what the proposal says. Read on to hear the exciting response we received from it. And keep MTTT2008 in your prayers!!! James 4:2 says "You do not have, because you do not ask God!"

September 14, 2007

On behalf of the BLANK committee, I am pleased to inform you that the charity that you have nominated has been selected as a finalist for next year's event. Our committee will be making final selections at our next meeting on Thursday, October 11th. As a finalist, we have decided that the mission of your charity merits further consideration. In order for our committee to make a final decison, we are asking that you provide us with some additional information. Please send me a brief explanation of what a $10,000 - $20,000 check would mean to the organization. Please be specific as to the purpose of the funding, the type of impact it would mean to the organization and the lives it would touch. While I hope you share our excitement that your charity has been selected as a finalist. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on getting the proposal of H of H to Savage. Working on this project has been amazing! Thanks to all who have participated in one way or another in working on Stacey's House. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. It's awesome to see God use Toledo First to be His hands and reach out to our community! I must admit I'm anxious to see Stacey's face when she sees her "new house". How about you?
