Little House On The Prayer-ee?
If you’ve attended More About Jesus on Wednesdays nights at 6:30 pm, you know about how Jackie and I’ve been praying for the sale of our house in Canton, Ohio. Packing nearly 1200 square feet into this massive [ha!] brick bungalow [we had more space in our back yard than inside], we loved this little house [Joshua and Lydia cried when they realized we were leaving it behind. I think because they thought it was small enough to pick up and take with us like their Lego].
Long story short: When we bought this little home, a lot prayers got answered as far as location [close enough to Mayfair Junior Academy where Joshua went to school] and neighborhood [packed with friends and families some of whom have already come to visit us here in Toe-lee-dee-oh] and financing [we borrowed and paid back some money from my mom and dad] and features [everything inside and out had been renovated and replaced.] So doesn’t it make sense that a lot of prayers be responsible for its sale?
Of course, Jackie and I have been praying. But seeing as its been 7 months and it hasn’t sold yet [one likely purchase agreement fell through], we were hoping you could pray too!!! Specifically [since it’s always okay to ask God for anything as long as we finish like Jesus did with Not My Will But God’s Will Be Done], we’d like to sell it without a realtor [Sorry Heather!!!]. Will you join us in praying for our Little House On The Prayer-ee? My mom had to remind this pastor that LOTS o’ prayer is a good thing!!!
If all the people gathered in Acts 12 can get together and pray for Peter to be freed from prison and God can break the chains and escort him outta there, I think we can all pray for the sale of Mike & Jackie's house and believe God for more. Let's pray the BHAP's! Big Hairy Audacious Prayers!