Friday, August 24, 2007

Butterfly Kisses?

On Tuesday, August 21, 2007 Lydia Kay Fortune attended her first day of school. It was an emotional day for some of us. Alright, just one of us. Lydia was fine. Jackie did much better than I thought she would. But I was up for much of the night before tossing and turning in anticipation with the lyrics to Butterfly Kisses [click any pic to watch the YouTube video] tumbling through my mind. I don’t remember losing any sleep when Joshua went to all day Kindergarten...which is why I was caught by surprise I think...Here’s some pics of her first day with back packs and lunch boxes and the lyrics to that dang song I can’t get out of my head!!!
There's two things I know for sure / She was sent here from heaven and she's daddy's little girl / As I drop to my knees by her bed at night / She talks
to Jesus and I close my eyes / And I thank God for all the joy in my life / Oh, but most of all / For butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer / In all that I've done wrong / I must have done something right / To deserve a hug every morning and butterfly kisses at night


  1. Crying is not conducive to answering phones!
    She is such a sweetheart. Keep on loving her. Like I even need to tell you that.

  2. I heard one of the parents had the waterworks flizowin'!

  3. I tried to warn you...

  4. My memories flew back to her baby shower!! Then as a new born at our house (Care Group beginnings) she would sleep as Josh scouted our freezer for Tofutti Cuties. Babies no longer. Nana Carol
