Thursday, July 05, 2007

Is The Mission Over After The Trip?

No, no, never, never, uh uh uh, no way!!! Our S.O.S [Summer of Service] blazes on like the sunburn on my receding hairline!!! [Read my post “What Did We Play At Maumee Bay?” for the embarrassing details how THAT happened.]

At the back of the park at Wildwood Metro Park, there is a children’s playground in front of a large parking lot. To the left of that playground, there is a covered pavilion we’ve rented from Noon to 6pm for every Saturday in July. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find that pavilion and join us for our S.O.S Picnics in the Park taking place from 1pm to 6pm every Sabbath in July. Here’s an hourly breakdown of what’s happening:

Noon - 1pm - Decorate pavilion; set up Lemonade Stand [between pavilion and playground]; and start giving away Lemonade until 5:00pm [sign up in lobby of church]

1-2:30 pm - Eat [This requires food. So please bring some to share potluck style.]

2:30 - 4 pm - Games/Music/Activities [We’ll be dividing into groups spread under the shade to play the Amazing Race: S.O.S Edition. THIS is a great mingling event so don’t pretend you’re too cool to participate.]

4-4:45 pm - Holy Hike where we walk around giving away dog biscuits and ice cold bottled water to the walkers and their pets

5-6:00 pm - Connections [2nd Service] under the pavilion. PLEASE STAY for this. Worship is the most important thing we'll be doing there. A crowd draws a crowd.

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