Thursday, July 12, 2007

Is God’s Throne In The U.P?

So we took a "mini-vacation" this week to Drummond Island in the upper peninsula of Michigan.

You get there by crossing the Mackinac Bridge and heading East 15 miles later until you run out of road.

Then you take a ferry [that we missed both coming and going!!!] to the island and another road you follow until that ends too and THAT'S where my father-in-law goes to fish.

My friend Cheryl told me God's throne is up here cause it's so beauuutiful. And while I can't say I found it, I may have stumbled across His front porch. Because this was the view from it.

Joshua's "Grumpy" let him drive the boat a.k.a "The Green Bean"

Lydia pretended to be a Mermaid.

And somehow [I still have no idea how] a few Herring jumped onto my hook. Jackie and Joshua caught more than I did and even Lydia got one. Grumpy and Laure are great teachers and we all had fun.

And THAT is no "tall tail.".

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