More than 3,350 teens along with one of their parents participated in the random-digit-dial telephone study of U.S. parent-teen pairs in 2003. One purpose of sociologist Christian Smith's research in the "Portraits of Protestant Teens" project of the National Study of Youth and Religion was to describe the extent to which youth ages 13-17 participate in and benefit from the programs and opportunities that religious communities [churches] offer.
Click either graphic to read the very latest and greatest study of active Protestant Christian Youth ages 13-17. Bottom line cliffnotes: the actual number of active youth in conservative Protestant American Christian churches is [at least] 64% not 4% [which is better than 4%, but still means 1/3 of our own youth aren't active in the churches they were raised in underscoring why we need to get our youth involved in ordinary outreach and evangelism!]
Thanks for the great info. Teenagers are awesome, and must do everything to relate and care deeply about them. peace,