Monday, November 20, 2006

Zero Weddings and a Funeral

Some say they have read in the Adventist Review and elsewhere that the majority of Seventh-day Adventists are under 30 years of age. Keep in mind that those statements are about the worldwide membership. The source of that worldwide information is a survey of youth leaders, not direct research with church members. When it comes to North America, Europe and Australia, the evidence tells us another story. If you want to see the details of data on this subject, the Center for Creative Ministry has published two books with data from multiple surveys: Chapter 3 in Adventist Congregations Today and Chapter 2 in Trends, Attitudes and Opinions in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America. You can order either or both of these at the resource store at or by dialing (800) 272-4664.

To refresh your memory [since many in preliminary Alzheimers may need it by now], the opening statement of the original article said, "The median age for the Seventh-day Adventist community in North America, including the unbaptized children in church families, is 58. The median age for the general public is 36 in the U.S. and 37 in Canada. Among native-born White and Black members the median age is even higher."

On a more personal note, to be fair, I have done 2 weddings and 3 funerals recently. And have crashed 1 birthday party for Kumar. See his riveting post "Musings from Yesterday" if you haven't already forgotten why you don't care.

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