Saturday night, November 18
Tomomy Lee, Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars, and Vince Neil weren't there. But Wanda, Betty #1, Rambo [aka Patrick], Dave and three of his gayest "man hugger" friends were. Along with about 25 other folks.
They all came out in force. Just like Tuesdays for Soup and Sandwiches. But this time, the tables were arranged with special cloths and candles.
But before they all stomped downstairs for a never ending meal of real Turkey and green bean casseroles, mashed potatoes, and the works followed by 8 feet of pies jammed end to end and the "Untalent Show" entertainment that followed, they were all seated in the sanctuary upstairs listening to the teens explaining the significance of Thanksgiving.
After the teens finished, the food wasn't quite ready. But instead of grumbling, this motley crue started shouting out songs to sing! "Jesus Loves Me!" shouted Rambo. "In the Garden" shouted Wanda. "Trust and Obey" shouted Betty #1.
So I played hymn after hymn on the piano listening to 30 of the most unchurched and unlikely people singing their lungs out to some of the songs they remember most. Which reminded me. Jesus loves Motley Crue. Which I knew. But what I learned was our Motley Crue also loves Jesus! Which was a pleasant surprise. Betty #1 and Wanda are now regulars at midweek on Wednesdays. But even if they weren't, I couldn't be prouder of my little church. Especially on a night when the crue outnumbered the members present.