Thursday, October 26, 2006

Down With Eior Adventism

Podcasts and satellites and technology are wonderful tools that can help reach God’s missing children. But I’m convinced if Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and every single one of their toys disappeared tomorrow, Revelation 18:1 will still one day occur. Why? Because ordinary outreach is a heaven thing, not a Mac thing. Revelation 18:1 [NIV] proclaims, "1After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor."

Bottom line: Many years ago, the earth was illuminated by the splendor of Jesus. The world was turned upside down. And if the small things He and His followers did with great love changed the world back then, I believe they will change it again. Do you? Jesus told Thomas in John 20:29 [NIV], "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

So here’s the icing on the cake. Simply taking Jesus and His sanctuary to God’s missing children wherever they are in very ordinary but personal ways not only ignites revival in the church and grows the kingdom of God, it also makes those of you doing it happy. Because you can actually do it!

Jesus taught us in the Sermon on the Mount that ‘happy’ is another way to understand the word ‘blessed.’ So happy are those who have not seen and yet have believed. Down with Eior Adventism! Moping about. Pretending everything is so sobering and complicated and necessary. Jesus said the prophets of old would have traded places with any of us in a heartbeat! Matthew 13:17 [NIV] says, "17For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it." John 20:30 [NIV] adds these words, "30Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book."

If that’s true, I see no reason to believe why He’s not gonna do many other miraculous things in the presence of these 21st century disciples, gathered in this room, which have yet to even be recorded. Do you agree?


  1. Anonymous7:14 PM

    But Christopher Robin loved Eyore just as much as he loved Tigger.

    You don't have to be a sanguine extrovert in order to be a Christian, in other words. There's room for us melancholy introverts too!

  2. You're right. CHRISTopher Robin loves everyone. Even Satan for that matter...

    But what I'm suggesting is that while everyone is not an evangelist [thank God!], everyone IS a minister.

    But too often we dismiss this priesthood of all believers thing because it makes us uncomfortable or because we mistakenly think "hospitality" [simply extending grace to others] is a spiritual gift only given to the sanguine.

    Yes, we all have different work to do [Romans 12:5], but introverts aren't off the hook simply because they recharge their batteries better when they're alone. I know this is true because I am one of them!

    You disagree?

  3. Eeyore Adventism aka: Sadventists! It's more than just being a melancholy introvert. I know that because I am one and I spent a month in a treatment center learning that I was addicted to misery!! (

    It's OK to be a melancholy introvert; it's not OK to be a Misery Addict! (see Carol Cannon's book "Hooked on Unhappiness")
