If they existed, I’m sure He could since Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.” But for those who doubt, Anne Rice, America's most famous chronicler of bloodsuckers is reminding us. Her memoir,
Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession, follows a trilogy of recent novels about Jesus called
Christ the Lord which describe what she thinks it may have been like for Jesus growing up.
Though she includes obvious content from outside the Gospel accounts [there's a reason it's called fiction people!!!] such as the boy Jesus using His supernatural powers as a child described in the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas, these latest books clearly reveal that the 67 year old author of
Interview with a Vampire is reinventing herself as a serious Christian writer.
“My objective is simple: It's to write books about our Lord living on Earth that make him real to people who don't believe in him; or people who have never really tried to believe in him,” she said. “I mean, I've made vampires believable to grown women. Now, if I can do that, I can make our Lord Jesus Christ believable to people who've never believed in him.” [Click pic to listen to Anne interviewed by Dr. James Dobson]. Aren't you glad Jesus could save vampires too?